Advanced topics in quantum information and computing
The aim of this course is to introduce to some advanced topics in quantum information and computing: quantum information theory (via quantum error-correcting codes and compression) and quantum algorithmic (via quantum random walks). This course follows the introductory course on quantum computing available here (although quantum codes are no longer taught in this course). This course is shared with Marc-Olivier Renou.
- A short introduction to classical error-correcting codes: Lecture 1 and
Exercise Session 1
1) A first example: the repetition code
2) Linear codes to detect and correct errors
3) Dual representation of linear codes
4) Hamming and minimum distances
- Introduction to quantum error correcting codes: Lecture 2 and
Exercise Session 2
1) A first quantum error correcting code: Shor's code
2) Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes
3) Stabilizer codes
4) Threshold theorem
- An introduction to quantum information theory: Lecture 3 and
Exercise Session 3
1) Typical sequences
2) Shannon's compression theorem
3) Von Neumann entropy
4) Quantum typical subspace theorem
5) Schumacher's compression theorem
- About classical and quantum random walks: Lecture 4 and
Exercise Session 4
1) Usefulness of random walks
2) Markov chains
3) Random walks on graphs
4) Quantum random walks
5) Application: finding collisions
Final exam
Presentation of one of the below topics.
Bibliography (books and lectures notes used for this course)